Protecting the Pack Read online

  In an otherwise modern world where werewolves mate in triads, one threesome faces overwhelming obstacles to everlasting love.

  Chris leads a pack of werewolves threatened by a rival group. Alexandra follows love away from home and into trouble. Ben seeks a new home but cannot escape the ghosts of his past. The mating lust pulls Chris, Ben and Alexandra together, flooding them with the desire to mark each other and seal their bond. But their differences combine with outside forces to pull them apart, possibly forever. Their future, their love, and even their lives hang in the balance.

  Protecting the Pack

  The Marysburg Wolves


  Tabitha Conall

  For Sean, my first real love

  Chapter 1

  Ben’s whole life had been one ending after another. Coming off his latest ending—leaving the Army after serving for eight years—he longed to find a place he wouldn’t have to leave. Someplace that would last.

  That was what brought him to Marysburg, to seek out his old Army buddy, Liam McCade. Liam had found his mates and settled down here. He sounded happy every time Ben talked to him. Ben wanted to be happy, too.

  He got himself a room at the local motel then headed to the bar. Liam wasn’t expecting him until tomorrow; no need to drop in on him early. Instead, Ben would get a beer and some dinner then hit the sack.

  As soon as he stepped inside, he knew he’d found the right place. He smelled wolves, lots of wolves. And more than one pack, if his nose didn’t deceive him. He sat down at the bar. The place was nice. Just nice, not fabulous, not a dive. The walls were covered with wood paneling. Around the corner from the bar, he’d seen tables full of people eating. And here on the other side was a cramped dance floor with a jukebox.

  The bartender had just slipped a beer and a menu in front of him when someone sat down next to him. Wolf, definitely. Ben looked at him out of the corner of his eye. Big guy, blond. More than just tall, he was built like a bodybuilder. And he was staring right at Ben.

  “New in town?” the guy said.

  No reason not to talk to him. Who knew, maybe he’d end up being a pack mate one day. Ben turned toward him. “Is it that obvious?”

  The guy chuckled and stuck out his hand. “Chris Byers. I’m the Roanoke pack Alpha.”

  That explained at least half of it. He’d know Ben wasn’t one of his wolves. Ben shook his hand and said, “And you’re sure I’m not from Stonewall?”

  “You don’t smell like Stonewall.”

  Ben dipped his head in agreement. “I guess not. Not yet, at least.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Chris raised two fingers to get the bartender’s attention. “You’re joining Stonewall pack?”

  “Hope so. My buddy just joined. Says he likes it there.”

  Chris gave him a hard look. “Would your buddy be Jake?”

  “No, Liam. Jake’s the Alpha, isn’t he?”

  “Liam. One of Bridget’s new mates.” Chris laid some bills on the bar. A few seconds later the bartender put a bottle in front of him.

  “Yeah. You know them?”

  Chris took a sip of his beer. The bartender stepped over to Ben and asked for his order, so Ben quickly scanned the menu. “I just want a burger.”

  After the bartender left, Chris said, “I know all of them. Jake’s a friend. One of his mates was my fourth, before they found each other. Sam left to join Stonewall when they got together, but we still keep in touch. And I’ve been helping Jake get Stonewall back on its feet. Their old Alpha was a piece of work.”

  Back on its feet. That didn’t sound good. “How so?”

  “He did a lot of bad shit, and he left a real mess. Jake’s doing a good job, but he’s got a lot to deal with. He’d be glad to have another strong wolf join his pack, especially a friend of Liam’s.”

  Ben shifted on his bar stool. He needed a stable pack. Someplace safe. Stonewall didn’t sound like that. “Liam never mentioned any of that.”

  After taking a swig, Chris set his beer down. “Is it a problem?”

  Ben looked at the grain of the wood on the bar. The surface shone like it was polished often. “I’ve been in the Army, just got out. And I was looking for a pack that’s settled and well-established.”

  “You’re tired,” Chris said.

  “Yeah.” He never thought he’d share this much with a perfect stranger. But there was something about Chris that made him feel comfortable, safe.

  “You might be better off in Roanoke.” The look on his face was guarded. “That’s how Roanoke is. Settled. I’ve worked hard to give my wolves a stable pack they can depend on.”

  Ben had never joined a new pack before. Joining Liam’s had seemed like an easy thing to do, but now everything had changed. It was a big decision, but he wasn’t sure how to go about it. Chris seemed like a nice guy, but was that enough?

  “Look, I’ll introduce you to some of the guys who are here—from both packs. Hang out with them tonight, see what you think.”

  “If I decide I like Roanoke then what next? This is my first time joining a pack. Do you need to vet me or anything?”

  “Something like that. Make your decision first, and then we can figure the rest out.” Chris stood. “Grab your food. You can join that table over there.”

  A few minutes later, Ben squeezed in between two guys in their mid-twenties, one of them from Stonewall, the other from Roanoke. He continued eating his dinner while he listened to them talking. Chris wandered off to talk to some woman by the bar while Ben soaked up all the information he could.


  From where he sat next to his on-again off-again girlfriend Dana, Chris could see the new guy, Ben. A lot of new wolves had been joining Roanoke pack lately. Too many. The only reason Chris hadn’t sent Ben on his way was because he’d originally seemed intent on joining Stonewall. Ben could have been lying, but he’d seemed sincere.

  Okay, that wasn’t the only reason. There was also something about Ben that felt comfortable, almost familiar. Of all the wolves who’d petitioned to join Roanoke in the last three months, Chris liked Ben the best. He hadn’t really wanted to hand him straight over to Stonewall. Even though Jake needed every strong wolf he could get.

  There was that, too. Lately, Chris had tried to stem the flood of new wolves joining his pack by suggesting they join Stonewall instead, but every one of them was all adamant about wanting into Chris’ pack. All except Ben. In a backward sort of way, it made Chris trust Ben more.

  Dana put her hand on Chris’ arm. “Earth to Chris. You’re a million miles away.”

  “Just thinking.” He could never tell Dana any of this. They might share a bed part of the time, but when it came down to it she was just another wolf in his pack. And he always had to show the wolves in his pack his strength, never his weakness.

  Besides which, they weren’t dating right now. They’d broken up. But she always wormed her way back into his bed. And she’d done it yet again. Soon she’d have him convinced they were dating, after all. So could he trust her? No.

  Of course, Dana didn’t agree. She thought for sure that they were fated to be mates and just needed their third to show up. Women.

  Dana squeezed his arm. “I can think of a way to get you out of your head.”

  He couldn’t help but smile. If nothing else, he and Dana were good in bed together. Very good. He kissed her quickly. “A little later. I want to keep my eye on this new guy. He was making noises about joining the pack.”

  She turned to follow his gaze. “A lot of new wolves lately.”


  “He’s cute enough. I’m sure the women won’t complain if you let him in. I wouldn’t mind the eye candy myself.”

  Cute? Chris hadn’t notice
d. But he guessed the guy was good-looking, in a military man sort of way. He wasn’t as buff as Chris but then few were. Ben was about the same height as Chris, 6’2", and had dark hair clipped short in a typical military buzz cut. And he had all the things women liked—the square jaw, the deep brown eyes, the muscles. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  One of his new wolves, Keith, approached him at the bar. After the usual pleasantries, Keith said, “There room for one more in the pack? I have a friend who’s interested in joining.”

  Not another one. “We’re pretty full up.”

  “You’d like this one,” Keith said. “She’s pretty. And young. A pack can always use pretty young females.”

  That was the truth. Females weren’t rare, per se, but only about twenty percent of the births were female to eighty percent male. The religious types believed that was why they mated in threesomes, two men to one woman. And women were always prized.

  Chris still wasn’t sure about having another wolf join, especially with Ben possibly joining, too. Too many new wolves and the pack would become unbalanced. But since she was a female, he should at least meet her. “All right, but no promises. Can you set up a meeting?”

  “Not a problem. I might even be able to get her to stop by tonight. You going to be here a while?”

  Dana arched her brow at Chris. He knew what she was saying—she wanted to go back to his place, sooner rather than later. Or maybe she was letting him know she didn’t want another female in the pack. With Dana, he could never tell. But he still wanted to keep an eye on Ben.

  “For a while longer,” he said. “But not too late.”

  “I’ll see what I can do. Thanks.” Keith wandered off, pulling out his cell.

  Two more pack members, and even more instability. Chris had half a mind to say no to them both.


  Alex lay in bed, her boyfriend Brett sucking on one nipple. “I don’t understand why I can’t wait and join the pack with you,” she said.

  He glared up at her, but without much heat. “We’re having sex, not talking.”

  She stroked his hair. “What if I want to talk?”

  Brett shoved his hand down her panties and rubbed her clit. “Still want to talk?”

  Her pussy flooded. “You always do that. Why can’t we just talk?”

  He kissed her hard. “You’re mine. You should be happy to just do what I say. I want you to join the pack alone so we don’t overwhelm them. I’ve told you this. And right now, I want you to shut up and spread your legs.” He smiled that wicked smile that always got to her, as though his crudeness was all a joke.

  And it worked again. Although he wouldn’t have to keep doing that if he’d stop acting like such an ass.

  Brett peeled off her panties and slid his cock into her cunt. He fucked it into her at a steady pace. “So good, baby.”

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, Alex held on tight. He’d make her come. He always did.

  Sure enough, he squeezed his hand between them and rubbed his rough fingertips over her clit. It was all her highly aroused body needed. Within a few seconds, she started to shake, her pussy clenching around his cock.

  Brett moaned. “God it feels good when you come around me.” He shoved into her even harder. “More, baby.”

  His fingers didn’t stop rubbing her, and a minute or two later, she shuddered into her second orgasm.

  With a loud groan, Brett said, “I’m gonna come, too.” He slammed into her once, twice, and the third time, he pushed even deeper, spilling his seed into her.

  He collapsed on top of her. “Let’s nap.”

  Before she could even answer, he had rolled onto his side, curling around her and burying his face in her neck. His breathing evened out as he drifted off.

  The way he held her made her feel warm and cared for. He might act like a jerk sometimes, but he was her jerk. Alex closed her eyes and fell asleep in his arms.

  Later, how much later she wasn’t sure, Alex woke to the sound of her cell ringing. She groped toward the bedside table, an action made more difficult because Brett held her tightly and wouldn’t let go.

  “Phone,” she said, pushing at his arms.

  The ringing stopped. So much for that. Alex relaxed in his arms. She had barely begun to drift off when her phone bleeped. Whoever it was had left a message.

  Not many people called her. Brett did, but it couldn’t be him. She still had this pathetic hope that one day her parents might call her. They’d all but disowned her when she told them she was leaving with Brett, but she still hoped they might come around.

  They hadn’t liked Brett at all. He was too much older, too worldy. Her two fathers had sat her down to explain that Brett was too sneaky, that they had a bad feeling about him. They said they were just looking out for her, but she knew what it was. They wanted her to stay home, didn’t want her to grow up. They couldn’t see how much Brett loved her. If they did, they’d understand.

  And now this phone message. Could her parents have called at last? Alex shoved away from Brett’s sleepy embrace enough to grab her phone off the table. As he pulled her back in, she unlocked the screen and checked her messages.


  Damn it. She should just accept her parents weren’t ever going to call. They were through with her.

  She listened to the message—Keith had talked with the Roanoke Alpha and he’d agreed to see her tonight. Keith wanted to know how soon she could get over there.

  Maybe she could pretend she hadn’t gotten the message. She didn’t want to join the pack. Brett wanted all of them to join, and had said that they should join separately so they didn’t scare the Alpha with a bunch of new wolves all at once. And she was up next. But she didn’t want to leave Brett, and he was going to be the last one to join. Because he was strongest, and he’d be the most intimidating to the Alpha.

  She didn’t think they should join at all. They were happy enough as a wayward group of Loners. Alex joked that they were almost a pack. Except a pack had to have territory and they had nothing. Still, they did fine together. She didn’t want that to change. But Brett always got his way.

  “Who was it?” Brett said groggily.

  Damn it. Now she couldn’t pretend she hadn’t gotten it. And if she lied, Brett would be mad. “Keith. Go back to sleep.”

  Of course that didn’t work. “What’d he want?” Brett sounded a little more awake.

  She so wanted to lie. “To talk about meeting the Alpha.”

  Brett pushed her hip forward, away from him. “Go call him back.”

  Alex groaned as she climbed out of bed. She put on some clothes then went out to the kitchen with her cell. They had rented a house in neutral territory where they could all live. She didn’t see why they couldn’t just stay there.

  She called Keith. “Hey, it’s Alex.”

  “Right. How soon can you get your ass down here?”

  Chapter 2

  Keith was such an asshole. He always did his best to make Alex feel like a piece of dirt. “Does it have to be tonight?”

  “Yeah. I made the arrangements for tonight. You’re not more than ten minutes away. Although if you’ve got Brett’s stank all over you, take a shower first. We want Chris to see you as a sexy little piece, not as someone else’s ho.”

  An asshole. He thought he was so tough talking like that when she knew for a fact he’d grown up in rural Connecticut. A real street kid.

  “I can be there in an hour,” she said.

  “Make it faster. He said he wouldn’t be here too much longer.”

  “I’ll try, but like you said, I need to shower first.” She felt like throwing it in his face but every time she tried to get back at him, she failed.

  “Fine. Get over here as soon as you can.” He hung up.

  If it weren’t for Brett, she’d quit this whole group. They were all males, and all jackasses. Except Brett. Brett, she loved.

  Besides, since her family had disowned her, she had nowhere else
to go. Good thing Brett loved her back.

  She went back into the bedroom to get ready.


  Ben figured he’d done enough recon for the night. After an hour of sitting with pack members and listening—talking some, too, but mostly listening—Ben approached Chris at the bar. God, that guy was big. “Thanks for introducing me,” Ben said.

  “Not a problem,” Chris said. “What do you think?”

  He needed more time. “Seems like a nice town. I want to see Liam before making any decisions about the packs. I’ll see him tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good. I’m here most nights. If you want to talk more about Roanoke, just come and find me.”

  “Thanks.” They shook hands.

  Ben headed out. He had walked here, so he didn’t have to worry about driving. He passed the bar’s parking lot as he headed for the hotel. A young woman stepped out of her car and headed in his direction.

  She was gorgeous. Maybe not conventionally beautiful, but to him, she was nearly perfect. She had her black hair cut short in a bob that framed her high cheekbones and porcelain skin. Her eyes flashed at him as she caught him staring. He couldn’t tell what color they were, but they were certainly full of life.

  And her body. She was a good eight inches shorter than he was, maybe 5'6", every inch of it a luscious curve. Every man’s wet dream.

  He couldn’t help but turn and watch her walk into the bar, enjoying the sway of her hips. God, to have those legs wrapped around him. How amazing would that be?

  And she was a wolf. He’d caught a whiff as she walked by. All he needed to know was which pack she was in—that was the pack he’d join.

  Imagining his beautiful she-wolf between the sheets, he headed to the hotel. He’d ask Liam about her tomorrow. If he still remembered her by then.


  Chris noticed the woman as soon as she walked into the bar. She was young, younger than he’d expected. And a hell of a lot more beautiful. Actually, she looked exactly the way he’d want a woman to look, if he ever constructed his perfect girlfriend. And if he’d been ten years younger. All of it—the short dark hair, the pale skin, the large breasts and curvy hips.